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James “Glenn” Truett, a transfer student, is double majoring in Digital Maker and Fabrication and Robotics and Embedded Systems at University of Advancing Technology (UAT). He chose these degree programs because they can formalize his education on subjects he has been interested in and teaching himself for the past five years.

Glenn loves UAT’s project-driven approach to teaching, learning and assignments, which is why he chose the University. “Instead of spending all my time studying for a test, I get to put that time and energy into actually learning and then doing what has been taught.”

Glenn finds inspiration in ordinary people doing extraordinary things and is inspired by many people at UAT. “[Most people] inspire me to do better because I see where I want to be in life, and they serve as a reminder to an alternative way to live the life I have chosen.”  

So far, Glenn has enjoyed his time at UAT and has gained a lot, “Not only have I gained new knowledge and skill sets, but I also have gained a larger social network. I have created many new friendships and relationships with people who could be a part of my future business ventures.”

Having attended college in the past, Glenn offers valuable advice to students, “One of the worst pieces of advice I was given the first time around is ‘make sure you have something to fall back on.’ I don't want to fall back on anything, except my faith. If I am going to fall, I want to fall forward. If I have something to fall back on, then I am not committed to the plan in motion. If you don't have a backup plan, then you are more motivated to succeed. You may fall, but you learn from it and keep moving forward. You don't quit. If you fall six times, get up seven and keep moving forward.”




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